Growth and Development

This chart is for felines, canines, bears and hyenas. When trying to figure out your character's mentality, take their age and multiply it by 10 to see what the human mentality equivalent is. For example if your character is .50 their mentality would be that of a 5 year old.

For lions (and any other creature that has a mane with the longer fur item), their mane begins growing at 1 year of age and finishes at 2 years of age.

Growth Chart
Age % of
Adult Height
% of
Adult Weight
Newborn 10% 10%
1 month 15% 15%
2 months 20% 20%
0.25 years 25% 25%
0.50 years 50% 50%
0.75 years 75% 65%
1 year 100% 80%
1.25 years 100% 85%
1.50 years 100% 90%
1.75 year 100% 95%
2 years 100% 100%

Development Chart
Baby (0 months - 11 months)
0 - 24 days (0 years) Until babies are 20 to 24 days old, they cannot hear or see and they lack the ability to move very well. They rely on their mother's milk for the entirety of their diet. From birth, they can hold an Heir or Scion rank.
1 month (0 years) At this age, they don't know very much just yet and are still learning how to speak fluidly. They must learn to use their senses like scent and hearing as well as learning how to control their limbs. This includes learning how to walk. They may start to try to explore a little outside the den though it is very dangerous for them to be outside of their den alone for a long time. They still rely mostly on their mother's milk but are getting some partially-digested or soft meats.
2 months (0 years) They become fully weaned between now and the age of 3 months, depending on the mother and baby preferences.
Dominance and play fighting is very common to start between litter-mates as they practice their coordination and movement.
They also begin to grow their adult fur around their nose and eyes.
3 months (0.25 years) Babies are fully weaned and now eat meat.
4 months (0.5 years) Babies are now beginning to explore further away from the den.
5 months(0.5 years) Babies begin to adventure out more but they tend not to wander too far from their homelands without adults. A mile away from their home is the most they might wander, without a parent.
6 - 9 months
(0.5 years)
Babies begin to accompany adults on their hunts to be able to
watch and try to learn how to hunt for themselves. They are still
learning the basic skills to be able to survive.
10 - 11 months
(0.75 years)
The babies begin to look more like their adult counterparts, still
retaining child-like mentality but growing each day. They have more stamina and can journey further. Attending hunts with
adults is common as well as hands on practice as they get closer to a year in age.
Teen (1 year - 1.75 years)
1 - 1.75 years Characters at this age are considered teens. Younger teens are still very child-like, not yet done growing mentally or physically. They have finished growing height wise but they are still not done gaining the weight that they will have as an adult. Until theage of 1.5, they are likely still seen as children by adults.However,characters at this age may hold a worker rank in a kingdom.
Adult (2 years - 6.75 years)
2 - 6.75 years At this age, characters are sexually mature and fully developed both mentally and physically. They may hold council ranks, including leader, and come and go from realms as they please. They have all the necessary skills to be able to survive on their own as well as take care of their Kingdom.
Elder (7 years - 9 years)
7-9 years Characters might be starting to deteriorate mentally and physically. Mental deterioration may vary, as not all characters will suffer this.

The following charts are for animals that eat only plants such as horses, elk, deer, etc. When trying to figure out your character's mentality, take their age and multiply it by 10 to see what the human mentality equivalent is. For example if your character is .50 their mentality would be that of a 5 year old.

For species with antlers (and any other creature with the antler item) they begin to grow at .75 years Additionally, deer shed their antlers in late fall and regrow them each spring.

Growth Chart
Age % of
Adult Height
% of
Adult Weight
Newborn 45% 40%
1 month 73% 50%
2 months 75% 60%
0.25 years 78% 65%
0.50 years 80% 75%
0.75 years 83% 78%
1 year 85% 80%
1.25 years 88% 85%
1.50 years 90% 90%
1.75 years 95% 95%
2 years 100% 100%

Development Chart
Baby (0 months - 11 months)
0 - 4 months Unlike predator babies, herbivore babies can walk and run almost instantly after birth so that they can survive. They lack the same coordination as adults. From birth they can hold an Heir or Scion rank.
5 - 6 months Babies become fully weaned, taking twice as long as predator babies.
7 - 11 months The babies begin to look more like an adult each day, though they still maintain child-like mentality.
Teen (1 year - 1.75 years)
1 - 1.75 years Characters at this age are considered teenagers. Younger teens are still quite child-like, not yet done growing mentally or physically. They have finished growing in height but have not yet fully grown in weight. Until the age of 1.5, it is likely that they are still seen as children by most adults. However, characters at this age may hold a worker rank in a kingdom.
Adult (2 years - 6.75 years)
2 - 6.75 years At this age, characters are sexually mature and fully developed both mentally and physically. They may now hold council ranks, including leader, and come and go from realms as they please. They can also now challenge for kingdoms and create their own.
Elder (7 years - 9 years)
7 - 9 years Characters may start to deteriorate mentally and physically. Mental deterioration may vary, as not all characters will suffer this.

These charts are for reptiles such as snakes, lizards, crocodiles, etc. When trying to figure out your character's mentality, take their age and multiply it by 10 to see what the human mentality equivalent is. For example if your character is .50 their mentality would be that of a 5 year old.
Growth Chart
Age % of
Adult Height
% of
Adult Weight
Newborn 10% 10%
1 month 12% 12%
2 months 15% 15%
0.25 years 20% 20%
0.50 years 25% 25%
0.75 years 40% 40%
1 year 50% 50%
1.25 years 60% 60%
1.50 years 75% 75%
1.75 years 90% 90%
2 years 100% 100%

Development Chart
Baby (0 months - 11 months)
0 - 11 months
Once hatched, baby reptiles are born with the abilities needed to be able to fend for themselves. Their eyes are already open and they are able to keep themselves safe from most smaller predators. Though many still stay within their Kingdoms with their parents. From birth they can hold an Heir or Scion rank.
Teen (1 year - 1.75 years)
1 - 1.75 years
Character's this age are considered teenagers. Until the age of 1.5 though, they are likely still seen as children to adults. They are about half way done growing in both height and weight. Younger teens are still very child-like and haven't fully grown mentally. At this age, character's can hold a worker
rank in a Kingdom
Adult (2 years - 6.75 years)
2 - 6.75 years
Character's are sexually mature at this age and are finished growing both
mentally and physically. They may now hold a council rank including Leader and can come and go in from realms as they please. They can also challenge for Kingdoms and create their own.
Elder (7 years - 9 years)
7 - 9 years
Characters may start to deteriorate mentally and physically. Mental deterioration may vary, as not all characters will suffer this.

These charts are for birds such as sparrows, hummingbirds, hawks, etc. When trying to figure out your character's mentality, take their age and multiply it by 10 to see what the human mentality equivalent is. For example if your character is .50 their mentality would be that of a 5 year old.
Growth Chart
Age % of
Adult Height
% of
Adult Weight
Newborn 10% 15%
1 month 20% 25%
2 months 45% 40%
0.25 years 75% 50%
0.50 years 100% 75%
0.75 years 100% 100%
1 year 100% 100%
1.25 years 100% 100%
1.50 years 100% 100%
1.75 years 100% 100%
2 years 100% 100%

Development Chart
Baby (0 months - 11 months)
Newborn Once they are hatched, some chicks are Altricial (naked or sparse
feathers, eyes closed, completely dependent on parental care)
which include pigeons, passerine birds (that is, perching/song birds),
and raptors (owls, eagles, falcons). On the other hand, some are
Precocial (covered with fluffy down, eyes open, able to walk almost
immediately) which include most domestic poultry species such as
chickens, ducks, turkeys, and so on. From birth they can hold an Heir
or Scion rank.If you are unsure about which category your baby goes
into, feel free to contact Staff.

0 - 1 month
During their first days of life, all chicks require a large amount of
care and attention from their parents, even those that can walk,
run, or swim just hours after hatching. Parents provide warmth for
the chicks, feed them or guide them to food, and protect them from
predators and other hazards.The youngest of the altricial birds are
awkward and unstable, likely frail and unfit to move much, however
they can ask with their mouths completely open to get nourishment.
As they slowly get more able to hold their own, it might be longer
between feedings, and they grow more down feathers. Precocial
infant birds are at first significantly more independent and can even
walk and swim immediately, however in their first days they tire
very easy and remain very close to their folks.

2 - 9 months
As Altricial birds grow, they develop pin feathers on their wings
that will eventually fan out to full feathers. Their eyes open more
widely and they get bigger, slowly strengthening and moving
around more. Eventually they are more completely covered in
feathers, though there may still be patches of bare skin, particularly
on the head and face. Their coloration is typically dull and often
spotted to serve as protection from predators. At the same time,
Precocial birds are growing larger and stronger as well as
developing more mature feathers that poke through their baby

10 - 11 months
In just a short time, baby birds begin to perch and show soft fluffy
feathers on the head and face. They continue to grow larger, and the
feathers on their wings become more fully developed. Their bare
skin is all covered, but the tail grows out last, since it is too large to
effectively grow while chicks are in the nest. At this stage, Precocial
birds have a good number of mature feathers, but may have a
scruffy appearance until they lose the last of their down.
Teen (1 year - 1.75 years)
1 - 1.25 years Characters are ready to leave the nest several days before they can
fly effectively. At this time, they flutter and hop on the ground,
strengthening their wings and legs as they continue to grow. They
may stay in low shrubbery or explore a greater area. Character's this
age are considered teenagers. Until the age of 1.5 though, they are
likely still seen as children to adults. At this age, characters can hold
a worker rank in a Kingdom

1.50 - 1.75 years
Eventually, young birds are almost fully mature and can be
recognized by species, though their plumage may still contain some
spotting or other camouflage markings that have not yet molted
away or worn off. They are very close to their adult size, but their
behavior can be unpredictable and they are unsure of their
surroundings. Each day they will gain more knowledge about safe
roosting spots, appropriate foods, and dangerous predators.
Adult (2 years - 6.75 years)
2 - 6.75 years At this age, characters are sexually mature and fully developed both
mentally and physically. They may hold council ranks, including
leader, and come and go from realms as they please. They have all
the necessary skills to be able to survive on their own as well as take
care of their Kingdom.
Elder (7 years - 9 years)
7 - 9 years Characters might be starting to deteriorate mentally and
physically. Mental deterioration may vary, as not all characters
will suffer this.