
Much like in real life, many creatures hunt for their food. To ensure that we keep the realism of the animal kingdom, we have created this hunting guide to help you and your characters catch prey and gain MP. We strive to make hunting on Winsera dangerous, exciting and rewarding for all who participate.

How to hunt

To begin a hunt you must start a thread in the Radmere Meadow with the label Hunt. There can be any number of creatures that arrive to join the hunt but there must be a minimum of 4 creatures to gain the MP for that hunt. Please make sure to add how many hunting spots are open in your starting post. Once all the creatures have arrived, head over to the hunting update board to post your hunt.

Keep in mind that hunting is dangerous, prey doesn't want to be eaten and because of this, there are several injuries your character can gain from the hunt, both successful and unsuccessful. Because of this, the injuries your character can sustain will be randomized. But don't worry, your character will never have a fatal blow in a hunt (unless you want to rp that out of course) and all injuries will eventually heal.

Once you've made your thread and posted it on the prey account board, a staff member will post on your thread through the Prey Account. They will post with what animal is being hunted, what type of injuries will be received, who will receive them and whether or not the hunt was successful.

If you want to grab some small prey for yourself or for your kingdom you are more then welcome to do so without four total members. But if you do so, prey account will not be posted and you won't gain MP for that hunt. Though hunters may gain MP for training if they do so.


Below is a list of prey that can be found throughout Winsera. Characters can hunt anywhere through the area but to claim MP for that hunt the thread must be in the Radmere Meadow. Keep in mind that this isn't a complete list and there are many other creatures that can be hunted in these lands.