
Around the areas of Winsera, there are some territories that hold meaningful and history based landmarks. As the land continues to age, more will show up. Below is a detailed list of landmarks in each land and how they came to be. If you have created or seen the creation of a landmark that we haven't added, please head over to the Landmark Updates page to let staff know.

Gola Ruins
Within the mud and dirt filled lands of the Ruins lie two large trees that are always bare yet never seem to wither. No one knows where or why these trees came to exsit but they have always been there and it seems as though nothing can take them down.

Slimera Willow

Emerald Cascade

Subro Jungle

Tante Barrens

Bloodrun Ruins

Himera Beach

Sarina Lake

Banfell Cliffs

Malcana Heights

Mt. Kergate

Canomar Caverns

Jening Cemetery

Idora Canopy

Radmere Meadow

Sunstained Dunes

Herasine Hills

Etmos Fields

Caterock Pinnacle

Sheller's Rise

Restless Hills

Apple Grove

Esna Covert

Ebony Woods

Baxney Cove

Western Glades

Brighling Bog

Korib Desert

Chala Savanna

Northern Frontier

Condell Chasms

Raygora Hallow

Enchanted Abyss